Monday, February 22, 2010

Beautiful Weekend

Well as most of you know this weekend was a beautiful warm weekend. One that was well needed after all of the dreary rainey cold weather. So we ejoyed the wonderful weather and I spent some much needed time with the kids after the last week. After spending 3 days in Childrens with Peyton, by the way he is much better we were ready for family fun and relaxation. For those of you that don't know we spent 3 days at Childrens with Peyton, he had a very serious sinus infection that infected his eye. He is doing much better and is back to school today. His infection is almost completly cleared up and he feels much better.

So for the weekend. Saturday I spent with the girls. We went to cheerleading and then headed up to Knoxville to visit with Antie April, she was in the hospital. Had her gallbladder removed. (See we have had a very sickly week). After that we headed to lunch and then i took the girls for their first maincures. They loved it! Thought it was the greatest thing. Below are some pictures.

Here is Chloe.
And Zoey, she loved it.

And last Rachel. Who loved it the most. She spent all day not "touching" her nails. She is still keeping her hands spread so they won't mess up.

We then came home and spent the night with the boys and had movie night. We all cuddled on the couch and watched a movie.

The next day was even prettier than Saturday. We woke up that morning and decided to get out as a family so we jumped in the car and headed to the flea market. I know crazy. But we headed there and went straight in to the jumpy area. The kids loved it and I now hurt because of it. We spent an hour running all over the place getting out all of our energy. And wearing me out! I am sore today because of it. After that we were just too hungry to shop so we left and went to Bradleys BBQ in Sweatwater and enjoyed a great lunch. Then we decieded we would go visit with Grandma Teresa and Jeff. So we headed over there and ended up having a blast. Jeff ran to the store when we got there and got gas for the little motorbike and then Chris took all the kids on a ride, while Jeff took them on a ride on the big motorcycle. I will have to say that the kids LOVED this! Not a single one of them was a bit scared or worried. Below are pictures are each of them on the mini bike.






Friday, January 8, 2010

Getting to know us

Well I made a resolution this year that I would be a better stay at home mom and try and keep or get the family more involved in what is going on in our family and with our children. So for this one I will start the new year out with new introductions. I am sure most of you know who everyone is but it is always fun to share pictures and this is a great way. So below is some pictures for everyone to enjoy!

This is Elijah, my oldest. He is 7.

This is Peyton. He is 6

Chloe, age 5

Zoey, age 5

Rachel, age 3