Friday, January 8, 2010

Getting to know us

Well I made a resolution this year that I would be a better stay at home mom and try and keep or get the family more involved in what is going on in our family and with our children. So for this one I will start the new year out with new introductions. I am sure most of you know who everyone is but it is always fun to share pictures and this is a great way. So below is some pictures for everyone to enjoy!

This is Elijah, my oldest. He is 7.

This is Peyton. He is 6

Chloe, age 5

Zoey, age 5

Rachel, age 3


  1. Christina-their adorable. Good luck getting more out there. I have been trying to do that since right after Judah was born but by the end of the day, I am too tired. I can't imagine how it must be with that many...Let me know if you want to play date this spring/summer.

  2. Your family is precious! I am so glad that I finally got to meet all the kids! I can't wait to see more pictures and read more about what is going on! Love you guys!

  3. GREAT PICTURES! Good luck with the blog! I'm trying to do a better job at blogging! Hopefully I will this year! Look forward to getting together again soon!!!!!
